Dubrovnik Le Petit Festival du Theatre 2012 Dubrovnik Croatia

Daniella Schoch

Daniella Schoch
About me
The call to be present, alive and the quest to become who I truly am, keep me awake.

I am convinced that we all come here with a purpose and our job is to find our primordial potential and live it. To live a balanced live is not an easy task these days. In my own search and while working with people I have realized over and over again how important it is to give space to the creative, imaginative and intuitive sides within us. Different aspects of our life call for our attention and want to be harmonized and integrated. Creativity as I understand it strengthens our connection to our soul and gives us the courage and the power to find and follow our own path – away from conventions and limited possibilities.

The goal of the creative expression is to leave a trace – a need as old as mankind. Creative work offers the opportunity to express a spontaneous impulse, without purpose or considerations for a recipient. Creativity allows the shaping and visualization of inner images – the language of the soul. Through it we can get in touch with ourselves. Absent-mindedly sinking into the core of our being offers us the opportunity to find the motivation of our doing and being within rather than in the outside world. The paper becomes an infinite space where all is possible and we truly can be ourselves.

Creativity in this sense is not about art or abilities. It’s about joy, passion, experimenting and the urge to free the way for unconscious contents to make it’s way into the light of consciousness. It facilitates the harmonizing of the inside and the outside, of the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

My Background
Master of Law and 14 years of work and leadership experience in the area of Talent Management, Career Development, Communication and Change Management in international financial industry environment;
Internal certifications as Assessor, Coach and Prosci certified Change Manager;
Pranic Healer and Arhatic Yoga practitioner;
Certified Art Therapist;
Personally trained tutor in the Painting Closelieu by Arno Stern in Paris;
Introduction to the Medicine Wheel and Vision Quest by Rites of Passage USA;
Long term stays in New York City, Spain, London, California, Arizona and India